Some Medieval Remedies As Told By “The Physicians of the Myddfai”
To Promote The Union of Bone
To promote the union of bone take comfrey and bruise with wine, pepper and honey, drinking it daily for nine days and they will unite compactly.
To remove warts take the inner bark of the willow, make into a plaster with vinegar and apply it.
To Make Vinegar
To make vinegar take clean barley and put in a wine overnight til the eve of the next day.
To cure the bite of a mad dog it is a good thing to eat the root of radish.
Speck In The Eye
For a speck in the eye put therein the juice of the ground ivy.
In order to be delivered from intoxication drink saffron digested in spring water.
Fatness-To Reduce
Whosoever is over fat let him drink the juice of the fennel and it will reduce him.